
Welcome to Horns and Roses!! We started this buisness in 2023 wanting to provide affordable trendy western clothing to everyone. We also wanted to share things that we love. Horns and Roses is owned by Luke and Kaylie. We live in a small town in Virginia. We both have full times jobs and starting this buisness is truly a passion more than anything. We both love to go shopping, Luke is a hat guy and owns probably every hat out there. Kaylie loves anything with cows. We want to share what we love and bring it to everyone at an affordable price. The name Horns and Roses came from the idea of having a mix of western for guys and girls but also having other items such as sequins and flowers for the womens clothes so you get a mix of both. We are so thankful for this opportunity and excited to begin this journey!! Contact us if you have any questions at info@hornsadnroses.com